Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Matthew II: Part I - Jesus and John the Baptist (NIV)


Jesus and John the Baptist
Verses 1-19

After Jesus instructed the Twelve, He went to preach in the towns of Galilee.  John the Baptist was in prison and heard what Christ was doing.  He sent his disciples to ask Him if He was the one to come or if they should expect someone else.  Jesus responded that the blind see, the lame walk, those with leprosy are cured, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is preached to the poor.  Those that do not fall away on His account are blessed.

When John's disciples started to leave, Jesus spoke to the crowd.  He asked if they had gone to the desert to see a reed swayed by the wind or a finely dressed man or a prophet.  He told them that John was more than a prophet.  Malachi 3:1 prophesies about him " 'I will send my messenger ahead of you, who will prepare your way before you.' "  (Verse 10b)  Jesus said that no one was greater than John, yet the least in the kingdom of heaven was greater than John.  Ever since John started preaching, the kingdom of heaven was forcefully advancing and forceful men grabbed onto it.  The Law and the Prophets prophesied until John came.  Jesus called John the Elijah that was to come.  "He who has ears, let him hear."  (Verse 15)

Jesus compared their generation like children sitting in the marketplaces and calling out that they played the flute, but he didn't dance and they sang a dirge, but he didn't mourn.  John did not come eating and drinking, so the people said he had a demon.  The Son of Man came eating and drinking, so the people called Him a glutton, a drunkard, and a friend of tax collectors and 'sinners'.  "But wisdom is proved right by her actions."  (Verse 19b)

Lori's Thoughts:

Maybe John was discouraged in prison.  Maybe he wondered if he'd see the prophecies God gave him fulfilled.  He probably knew that he would soon die, so he decided to investigate.  It's good that his followers ministered to him in prison to help set John's heart at ease, despite the reputation they would undoubtedly receive for being friends with a prisoner.

Jesus gave John hope.  However, Jesus did not visit John in prison.  Why?  To help John's faith.  Faith is what we hope for in things unseen.  Jesus could have come and said, yes, I'm the One you've been waiting for.  Would that be proof?  Jesus' actions, words, and miracles are the indicators that God did walk this earth.  If He "proved" Himself to every doubter, no one would do the work that it takes to gain a relationship with God.  And it starts with faith.

I'm sure John was heartened by Jesus' message.  His prophecy was fulfilled and his goal accomplished: preparing the way for Jesus.  I believe they mean spiritually.  John preached in the desert for people to give up sin and prepare for the coming of the Lord.  Those that had faith and took John's advice were more accepting of Jesus and His message.  Now, this message is not for lazy people.  People that take the initiative and do not hesitate, those that actively seek God in their lives, are the ones that hold onto the kingdom of heaven.

Jesus compared John to Elijah the prophet.  What a major compliment.  Elijah was infused with the Holy Spirit.  When Jesus said that no man was greater than John, but the least in heaven was greater, I believe He meant that we should look to heaven and not earth for our hope.  God can use anyone for His work.  But, the power is from Him.  Do not look to anyone else for salvation, no matter how great they are on earth.

Unfortunately, the people rejected John because he fasted and did not join in their revelry.  To earnestly seek God, we must do as John did.  There is a time for everything, but if we do not subject ourselves to God and go through sanctification, we will miss out on the celebration with Christ.

Now, Christ feasted while on earth, but the people still rejected Him.  That's because He shows us that we're sinners.  People would rather party now than wait for heaven.  All I can say is that it will be a short party in comparison.

You will know whom people serve by their actions.  I choose to seek God first and obey Him.  Guess what?  I still get to have fun.  I just work hard to receive a renewed spirit from God as well.

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