Monday, June 20, 2011

Matthew 12: Part I - Lord of the Sabbath (NIV)


Lord of the Sabbath
Verses 1-14

Jesus and His disciples went through grainfields on the Sabbath.  The disciples were hungry and picked the heads of grain to eat.  The Pharisees saw this and accused them of breaking the Sabbath law.  Jesus replied by referencing the Old Testament:
- David and his companions were hungry.  They entered God's house and ate the consecrated bread, which only the priests were allowed to do.
- In the Law, the priests desecrate the Sabbath, but are innocent.

Jesus said, One that is greater than the temple is here.  If they understood the saying, " 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice, ' " (Hosea 6:6; verse 7b) then they would not have condemned the innocent.  The Son of Man is the Lord of the Sabbath.

Jesus then went to the synagogue.  There was a man with a shriveled hand.  Wanting to accuse Jesus, they asked if it was lawful to heal on the Sabbath.  Jesus asked if they would save their sheep if it fell into a pit on the Sabbath.  A man is worth more than a sheep, so, yes, it is lawful to heal on the Sabbath. Jesus then told the man to stretch out his hand and he did so.  The Pharisees left and plotted to kill Jesus.

God's Chosen Servant
Verses 15-21

Knowing the Pharisees' scheme, Jesus left.  Many followed Him and He healed all of their sick, warning them not to reveal His identity.  This fulfilled the prophecy in Isaiah 42:1-4 -
" 'Here is my servant whom I have chosen, the one I love, in whom I delight; I will put my Spirit on him, and he will proclaim justice to the nations.  He will not quarrel or cry out; no one will hear his voice in the streets.  A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out, till he leads justice to victory.  In his name, the nations will put their hope.' "  (Verses 18-21)

Lori's Thoughts:

The purpose of the Law is to show a sinful generation how to live without sin.  In the light of the Law, our inadequacy in righteousness is revealed.  Jesus came to show us how to live connected to the Law-maker.  We can be more than just obedient servants.  We can be providers and healers through God's power.

The devil does what he can to remove Jesus from our lives.  He wants to tear God's children away from Him, because he's vindictive about his sentence.  He also tears God away from us to make us believe that God is unneeded or absent.  The devil is a liar.

Although religious leaders, believing themselves to be more righteous than Christ, allowed themselves to be swayed by Satan, Jesus was not deterred from His mission.  Jesus knew He would die eventually, but not that day.  He healed all who came to Him; He did not hide.  He told His followers to keep His identity hidden to help Him continue in His ministry by delaying interference.

Jesus did not condemn the Pharisees.  He gave everyone, including those with the smallest bit of faith, a chance to grow in faith.

He is patient, just, and He gives us hope.  I want some.

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