Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Matthew 12: Part III - The Sign of Jonah (NIV)


The Sign of Jonah
Verses 38-45

Some of the Pharisees and teachers of the law asked Jesus, calling Him 'Teacher', for a miracle.  Jesus replied:
- Only wicked and adulterous people ask for a miraculous sign.
- None will be given, except for the sign of the prophet Jonah.  He was in the belly of a huge fish, for 3 days and 3 nights.
- The Son of Man will be in the heart of the earth for 3 days and 3 nights.
- Ninevah will stand up on judgment day and condemn the current Israelite generation, because they repented at Jonah's preaching.
- One greater than Jonah was now here.

- The Queen of the South will rise at the judgment and condemn the current generation.  She came from the ends of the earth to listen to Solomon's wisdom.
- One greater than Solomon was here.

- When an evil spirit comes out of a man, it wanders through arid places, finding no rest.  It returns to its former house, finding it unoccupied, clean, and orderly.  It finds 7 other, more wicked, spirits and they go live there.  The man's final condition is worse than before.
- This is how it will be with this current wicked generation.

Lori's Thoughts:

Were the Pharisees not paying attention?!  Jesus healed a man's withered hand and cast out demons so another man could see and speak.  Did they not hear of the miracles Jesus performed with multitudes?  Were they asking for a personal miracle so they could have faith once they had proof?  Faith is belief in the unseen.

Jonah rebelled against God and ran away from his assignment.  He feared the Ninevites and fled.  God had him swallowed and he became a changed man in 3 days.  The Pharisees were unwilling to change and accept their need for a Savior.  So, on Judgment Day, Jonah's faith will expose their stubborness and unbelief.

The Queen of Sheba traveled far because of the stories she'd heard of the wisest and richest king on earth.  She desired to learn from him and brought him gifts for his time.  She left with more gifts than she'd arrived with.  So will it be when we come to the wisest and richest King in existence.  The Pharisees, although in His presence on a more regular basis, hated the Messiah.  On Judgment Day, the faith of the Queen of the South will expose their arrogance and legalism ("salvation" by works).

Even if people repent and stop sinning, if they are not filled with the Holy Spirit, they will be inhabited by evil spirits.  Don't let this happen to you.  You cannot make it to heaven without God.  You do not need to be perfect first to receive Him.  Look at Jonah.  Look at the apostle Paul.  Look at David!  The murderer whom God still called a man after His own heart, because He repented and earnestly sought to do God's will.

Rituals alone are meaningless.  The Pharisees were perfect in obedience of the law.  But their hearts, their spirits, were not in it.  They did not fear or love God or others.  So, really, they missed the point of the Ten Commandments.

Don't be like them.  Let your heart be His home.

This is a song by Jeremy Horn, called "The Only God Who Saves".  I thought it'd be appropriate for today's topic.


Jesus' Mother and Brothers
Verses 46-50

While speaking to the crowd, His mother and brothers stood outside, waiting to speak with Him.  Someone told Jesus that they were waiting.  Jesus asked who His mother and brothers were.  He pointed to His disciples and said that they were His mother and brothers.  Whoever does the will of His Father is His brother, sister, and mother.

Lori's Thoughts...

Jesus was not rejecting His earthly family.  He was embracing us into His heavenly one!  He loved His earthly family.  When He was dying on the cross, He made sure someone would take good care of His mother.  (See John 19:26-27)

When we accept God as our Master and we do His will (love Him and love people), we are a part of Christ's family.  We belong.  And, He wants us.  Not just tolerates us.  He longs for us.  Remember, we are His Creation.  Sin separated us from our heavenly Father.  He is doing absolutely everything to bring us back.  Even allowing His own Son to die for our sins!  If that's not humbling, I don't know what is.

Thank you, Lord Jesus, for not giving up on me or those reading this now.

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