Monday, June 6, 2011

Matthew 9: Part I - Jesus Heals a Paralytic (NIV)


Jesus Heals a Paralytic
Verses 1-8

Jesus took a boat and crossed over into His own town.  Some men brought a paralytic on a mat.  When Jesus saw their faith, He told the man to take heart, because his sins were forgiven.  Some of the law teachers told themselves that Christ was blaspheming.  Jesus knew their thoughts and asked why they entertained evil.  He asked if it was easier to say that your sins are forgiven or to say get up and walk.  For them to know that the Son of Man had authority on earth to forgive sins, Jesus told the paralytic to get up, take up his mat, and go home.  The man did as Jesus said.  The crowd was filled with awe and they praised God who had given authority to men.

Lori's Thoughts:

Jesus had gone to the Gadarenes to find rest from the crowds.  He was hit by a storm, taunted by demons, then rejected by the town.  I imagine that His heart was saddened.  A whole town missed out on salvation because of their love and dependence on money.

So, Jesus decided to go home, the one on earth.  I bet those that He would later heal had waited for Him to return, so they'd get a chance to gain an audience with Him.  We are used to the physical and Jesus healed our physical ailments.  But, He healed our spirits as well, knowing that this was more important and essential to a spiritual connection with the Father.  Although Christ needed a break, His heart went out to the hurting and He helped them.

I imagine that the paralytic was brokenhearted.  He probably longed to walk and be independent as his friends were.  He probably felt like a burden to his family and friends, at times.  Knowing this, Jesus healed the man's spirit, as well as his body.  Jesus came to save us of our sins.

I do not believe that this man was paralyzed because of some sin.  For we all sin and fall short of the glory of God.  We'd all be handicapped if that was sin's punishment.  But, no.  Sin's punishment is separation from God.  So, Jesus came to conquer sin and death.  He came to reconcile us with the Father.  The saving of the man's soul was much more vital than the saving of his body.  But, Jesus saved his body as well.  Why?  Because He loves us and He understands what it is like to live in the physical form.

Now, the wisdom of God is foolishness to man.  The law teachers knew that sacrifices must be made to forgive sins.  But, Jesus is the Ultimate Sacrifice.  He can forgive all sin, so there is no more need for ritual sacrifices of animals.  He paid the price for us in full.  Let us have faith to accept it as the paralytic and his friends had.  They sought God and were filled.  The law teachers sought self-righteousness and left bewildered.  Some in the crowd believed Him.  They praised God that a man was given authority from God.  Not just any man, though.  He is the Son of Man.  Our Savior and Redeemer.  Our Deliverer.  Our Giver of Hope and the Healing Hand.


The Calling of Matthew
Verses 9-13

When Jesus headed out, He saw Matthew sitting in the tax collector's booth.  Jesus told him to follow Him and he did.  Jesus had dinner at Matthew's house.  There were tax collectors and "sinners" eating with Jesus and His disciples.  The Pharisees saw this and asked the disciples why Jesus associated Himself with these people.

Jesus replied, " 'It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.  But go and learn what this means: "I desire mercy, not sacrifice." (Hosea 6:6)  'For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.' "  (Verses 12b-13)

Lori's Thoughts:

I bet the stories of Jesus spread and that's how Matthew heard of Him.  I bet he desired to meet the man that was known to challenge norms, bring messages of hope, and perform miracles and healings.  Once Matthew saw Him and spoke with Him, it was all over.  Matthew knew his life would never be the same.  He eagerly left his old lifestyle of cheating people out of their money and invited this amazing man into his home.

Matthew threw a party for Jesus and invited everyone he knew.  When you experience something amazing, you want to share it with others and hope that they can experience the same.  I bet there was laughter and smiles everywhere at this party.  For once, the outcasts were loved and valued.  They were worth spending time with.

This made no sense to the Pharisees.  Why would this teacher of the law spend time with the unrighteous?  Because, this Teacher came to set the captives free, those bound by sin.  The self-righteous believed they had no need of Him.  They believed they could save themselves.  So, Jesus came for those that longed for God, whether they could identify that longing or not.  These people saw fulfillment in Jesus Christ.  Christ had mercy on the sinners.  They formed a relationship that was missing from the old covenant.  The covenant was now complete with Jesus in the equation.

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