Thursday, June 30, 2011

Matthew 14 - John the Baptist Beheaded (NIV)


John the Baptist Beheaded
Verses 1-12

Herod the tetrarch (a ruler of 1/4 of something) heard the reports of Jesus.  He told his attendants that Jesus was John the Baptist, risen from the dead.  He claimed that this is how Jesus had miraculous powers.  Herod had arrested and imprisoned John, because John had told him that his affair with Herodias, his brother Philip's wife, was unlawful.  Herod wanted to kill John, but feared the people who revered John as a prophet.

On Herod's birthday, Herodius' daughter danced for him and pleased him so much that he vowed to give her anything she wanted.  Prompted by her mother, she asked for John's head on a platter.  Not wanting to go back on his word or deny his guests, he had John beheaded in prison.  John's head was given to the girl on a platter and she gave it to her mother.

John's disciples took his body and buried it.  Then, they went and told Jesus.

Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand
Verses 13-21

When Jesus heard the news, He withdrew by boat to a solitary place.  The crowds followed Him on foot.  When Jesus saw them, He had compassion and healed their sick.  When evening came, the disciples told Him to send the people to the villages to get food.  Jesus told them no; He told the disciples to feed them.

The disciples only had 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish.  Jesus asked for them and told the people to sit on the grass.  He took the bread and fish, looked up to heaven, and gave thanks.  Jesus broke the bread and gave it to the disciples, who gave it to the people.  5,000 men, their women and children ate and were satisfied.  The disciples had 12 basketfuls of leftover bread.

Jesus Walks on the Water
Verses 22-36

Immediately, Jesus told His disciples to get on a boat and cross to the other side as He dismissed the crowd.  Once alone, He went up to the mountain to pray.  At evening, He was alone and the boat was a good ways away.  The wind was blowing against it.

During the fourth watch of the night (between 3:00-6:00 AM), Jesus walked out onto the lake.  The disciples were terrified and cried out, claiming He was a ghost.  Jesus told them to take courage and not fear, because it was Him.

Peter asked Jesus to tell him to come out on the water, if it was Him.  Jesus told Peter to come.  Peter left the boat and approached Jesus.  When he saw the wind, he was afraid and began to sink.  He cried out for Christ to save him.  Jesus immediately caught him and called him a man of little faith, asking why he had doubted.  They both got into the boat and the wind died down.  Those in the boat worshiped Him, claiming that He was the Son of God.

When they landed, they arrived at Gennesaret.  When the men recognized Jesus, they spread the word to all the surrounding country.  People brought all their sick to Him, begging Him to allow them to touch the edge of His cloak.  All who touched Him were healed.

Lori's Thoughts:

To cover up their adultery, Herod and Herodias committed murder.  They worried more about what the people thought of them than how God viewed them.  So, instead of repenting, they killed the man that was trying to save them from their sin.

Jesus' cousin had been murdered.  Yes, He is God, but He is also human.  Jesus needed to talk to God, to mourn and be comforted as we all do.  No one really thought about Jesus' needs.  They worried about their own.  Jesus could have sent the crowds away, but He didn't.  He saw us hurting.  He saw our faith in our willingness to seek Him, even out in the middle of nowhere.  We came to Him, desiring wholeness of body and spirit.  But, we didn't think about our basic needs, such as food.

The disciples were probably hungry by that point.  They probably wondered how they could split 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish 13 ways.  Jesus thought how He could split it about 10,000 ways and have some for tomorrow.

As humans, we are limited in our abilities and in our faith.  We seek simple solutions, because they're easier to believe in.  Our faith should be large enough to ask for miracles.  We should thank God in every situation for considering our needs and for promising to provide for all of them.  "And my God will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus."  (Philippians 4:19)

Only until everyone was healed and fed did Jesus send them home.  He sent His disciples on and He went alone to pray.  Never forget how important it is to have a personal connection with God.  When Jesus died, the temple veil was torn and so was our barrier between ourselves and God.  "Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need."  (Hebrews 4:16)  We can ask for miracles, for healing, for sustenance, physical and spiritual.

Jesus knew He still had work to do, more people to heal, more people to show His compassion to.  Where most people would have said, "I missed my boat", Jesus told the water to hold His weight.

Although the disciples had experienced Jesus' miracles from within their boat, during the storm, they hadn't experience Him outside their boat.  Grown men were terrified of this apparition headed right for them.  We fear what we don't understand.  God calms us and lets us know that He is there with us and for us.

Now, I don't know what possessed Peter to want to join Jesus.  Maybe he desired to experience the supernatural.  He was probably delirious with awe and maybe thought he was dreaming, since it was so late.  Peter did the impossible with Jesus, until He started to doubt.  Jesus loved him anyway.  The moment Peter cried out for help, He was there to save him.

The moment you cry out to the Savior, He will be there!

Jesus' heart is big enough to feel sorrow and compassion.  He loves us enough to set His needs aside and heal ours.  We should follow His example of loving others, connecting with God, then realize that our needs have been fulfilled along the way.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

II Chronicles 25 - Amaziah King of Judah (NIV)


Amaziah King of Judah
Verses 1-28

Amaziah was 25 years old when he became king.  He reigned in Jerusalem for 29 years.  His mother was Jehoaddin, from Jerusalem.  Amaziah did right in God's eyes, but not wholeheartedly.  Once firmly established as king, he executed the officials that had murdered his father, Joash, but he did not kill their sons.  This was in accordance with the Law in the Book of Moses.  In it, the Lord commanded: " 'Fathers shall not be put to death for their children, nor children put to death for their fathers; each is to die for his own sins.' "  (Deuteronomy 24:16, Verse 4b)

Amaziah called together the people of Judah.  He assigned them, according to their families, to commanders of thousands and hundreds, for all of Benjamin and Judah.  They mustered everyone 29 years and older.  He found 300,000 men ready for military service that could handle spear and shield.  He also hired 100,000 fighting men from Israel, for 100 talents (3 3/4 tons) of silver.  A man of God told him not to use them, because God was not with Israel or anyone from Ephraim.  God would overthrow Amaziah to his enemies, because He has the power to help or overthrow.  Amaziah asked the man of God about the 100 talents he'd spent, and the man of God told him that God could give him much more than that.

Amaziah dismissed the Ephraimite troops and they left in a great rage.  He marshaled his strength and led his army to the Valley of Salt, where he killed 10,000 men of Seir and captured 10,000 men alive.  He brought the latter group to the top of a cliff, threw them down, and they were dashed to pieces.  Meanwhile,  the Ephraimite troops raided the Judean towns from Samaria to Beth Horon.  They killed 3,000 people and carried off a lot of plunder.

When Amaziah returned, he brought back the gods of the people of Seir and worshiped them, burning sacrifices to them.  God's anger burned against him and He sent a prophet to ask why Amaziah had consulted the gods that couldn't save the people he'd just destroyed.  Amaziah interrupted and asked if the prophet was the king's adviser.  He told the prophet to stop, asking why he should risk being struck down.  The prophet stopped, but he told Amaziah that God was determined to destroy him because of this and the fact that Amaziah would not listen to his counsel.

Amaziah consulted his advisers and sent a challenge, for a face-to-face meeting, to Jehoash son of Jehoahaz, the son of Jehu, king of Israel.  Jehoash responded: A thistle in Lebanon sent a message to a cedar in Lebanon, to give his daughter to the thistle's son in marriage.  A wild beast in Lebanon came and trampled the thistle.  Jehoash told Amaziah that, although he'd defeated Edom, he was now arrogant and proud.  Jehoash told Amaziah to stay home and not ask for trouble, which would lead to his downfall and the downfall of Judah.

Amaziah did not listen to Jehoash, because God had worked out for him to be handed over to Jehoash, because he sought the gods of Edom.  Jehoash and Amaziah faced off at Beth Shemesh in Judah.  Judah was routed by Israel and every man fled home.  Jehoash captured Amaziah son of Joash, the son of Ahaziah, at Beth Shemesh.  Amaziah was brought to Jerusalem, where Jehoash broke down their wall from the Ephraim Gate to the Corner Gate, about 600 feet of it.  He took all the gold, silver, and articles of God's temple that had been cared for by Obed-Edom.  He also took the palace treasures and hostages, and they returned to Samaria.

Amaziah lived for 15 years after Jehoash died.  The other events of his reign are written in the book of the kings of Judah and Israel.  From that time, he turned from God.  They conspired against him in Jerusalem and he fled to Lachish.  A man was sent after him and killed him.  He was brought back by horse and buried with his fathers in the City of Judah.

Lori's Thoughts:

I don't know about you, but I'm getting annoyed with the people of Judah.  How does it make any sense to worship the gods of the people you've just defeated?!  The ones God helped you defeat!!!

It's a good thing I'm not God, because I would have lost patience and just destroyed the world.  Then, there'd be no existence or salvation for any of us.  I think God is way generous with us.  So, the next time you wonder why bad things are allowed to happen, ask yourself what the people have been doing.  As He said, everyone is to be punished for their own sins.

Now, if it wasn't for God's patience, we'd all be doomed to die.  This is the punishment for sin.  Somehow, God maintained the little good that remained in Judah and sent a part of Himself to become human and pay the punishment for our sins.

"Oh, praise the One who paid my debt and raised this life up from the dead!"  (My favorite phrase to sing at church.)

People!  When things seem hopeless and impossible, when good seems invisible, God will make a way!

Don't give up!

"For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."  (Jeremiah 29:11)

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Matthew 13: Part III - The Parables of the Hidden Treasure and the Pearl (NIV)


The Parables of the Hidden Treasure and the Pearl
Verses 44-46

The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field.  A man found it, hid it again, then joyfully sold all he had and bought the field.

The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant searching for fine pearls.  He found one of great value, then left and sold all he had, and bought it.

The Parable of the Net
Verses 47-52

The kingdom of heaven is like a net let down into a lake and caught all kinds of fish.  Once full, the fishermen pulled it to shore.  They collected the good fish, putting them into baskets, and throwing the bad fish away.  This is how it will be at the end of the age.  The angels will come and separate the wicked from the righteous and throw them into a fiery furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Jesus asked the disciples if they'd understood all these things.  They said yes.  Jesus told them that every teacher of the law who'd been instructed about the kingdom was like the owner of a house who brings out of his storeroom new and old treasures.

A Prophet Without Honor 
Verses 53-58

Jesus finished His parables and moved on.  He arrived at His hometown and began to teach in the synagogue.  The people were amazed and asked where He received His wisdom and miraculous power. They recognized Him as the carpenter and Mary's son; as the brother of James, Joseph, Simon, and Judas; and that His sisters were with them.  So, they wondered where He got these things and they were offended by Him.

Jesus told them that only in his own town and house is a prophet without honor.  He then only performed a few miracles because of their lack of faith.

Lori's Thoughts:

If your desire is to live with God and without sin, and you are willing to let go of all of your earthly possessions, then you may grab a hold on the kingdom of heaven.  Nothing may come before God.  Not money, not your house or car, not your job or education, not your family or friends, not your status, not your spouse, nothing.  You must be willing to let them go if God wills it.  If anything comes before God, in your life, then you are in danger of going to hell.

Jesus says that if we do not hate our family and our own life, then we can't go to heaven.  (See Luke 14:25-27)  Sounds contradictory to His message of love?  What about loving God and loving others?  Jesus sometimes had to speak harshly to get our attention and to get us to understand how important a relationship with God is for salvation.  This is what was hidden since the creation of the world.  Before Jesus came, the old covenant showed us our sin.  Once He came, He showed us His plan of salvation and established a new covenant with His life and death.

When I read His instructions about hating, I broke.  I was on my face, weeping and telling God that I didn't understand.  The notion of hate is so contrary to my nature.  I know God lives in me, because I have the capacity to love, although most of my life I've been neglected and treated with contempt.  But, God explained to me that if I held anything more dearly than Him, I'd be in danger of falling from grace. So, I asked Him to take from me that which would separate us.

God is good.  His main objective is to save us.  Once we surrender all to Him, then He can bless us with people or things, because we can be trusted with them.

. . .

Jesus used the parable of the net, because the disciples were fishermen.  He put the Master's divine plan into terms that they and we could understand.  How awesome is that?!  How far is He reaching for you? Think about it.

The teachers of the law have old and new treasures, once instructed about the kingdom.  The Law is the old treasure.  Jesus is the new treasure and the fulfillment of the Law.  Both are valid.  You cannot be saved by accepting one and not the other.

People have a tendency to believe in salvation for others, but not for themselves.  I know I do.  It's just me; I screw up a lot.  I have my doubtful moments on a pretty regular basis.  What kind of Christian is that?  Well, it's a human one.  I know God's still working on me.  He holds on when I give up.  Praise God for that.

My point is that Jesus' neighbors did a similar thing by doubting Jesus' power and wisdom.  He came from their town.  They believed themselves to be too simple a people to have raised up such an amazing man.  So, they missed out on blessings, because of their little faith.  (Remember, Jesus asks for merely a mustard seed amount of faith.)

Don't let this happen to you.  You are a part of God's plan.  Believe and see how He will work in your life, and I will believe that He is working in my life, as well.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Matthew 13: Part II - The Parable of the Weeds (NIV)


The Parable of the Weeds
Verses 24-30

The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed seed in his field.  While everyone was asleep, his enemy sowed weeds among the wheat and left.  When the wheat sprouted, so did the weeds.  The servants asked the owner that if he had sown good seed, then where had the weeds come from?  The owner explained that an enemy had done this.  So, the servants asked if they should uproot the weeds.  The owner said no, because they'd risk uprooting the wheat as well.  They were to wait until the harvest.  The harvesters would collect and bundle the weeds to be burned.  Then, the wheat would be gathered and brought into his barn.

The Parables of the Mustard Seed and the Yeast
Verses 31-35

The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed that a man planted in his field.  It is the smallest of seeds, but it grows into the largest garden plant and then into a tree.  It provides a perch for the birds of the air.

The kingdom of heaven is like yeast that a woman mixes into a large amount of flour until it is worked into all the dough.

Jesus spoke to the crowd only in parables, which fulfilled the prophecy in Psalm 78:2 - " 'I will open my mouth in parables, I will utter things hidden since the creation of the world.' " (Verse 35b)

The Parable of the Weeds Explained
Verses 36-43

Jesus went into the house and the disciples asked Him to explain the parable of the weeds.  Jesus told them:
- sower of good seed = Son of Man
- field = world
- good seed = sons of the kingdom
- weeds = sons of the evil one
- enemy = devil
- harvest = end of the age
- harvesters = angels

As the weeds are pulled up and burned, so it will be at the end of the age.  The Son of Man will send His angels to weed out of His kingdom everything that causes sin and all that do evil.  They will be thrown into a fiery furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

The righteous will shine like the sun, in their Father's kingdom.

" 'He who has ears, let him hear.' "  (Verse 43b)

Lori's Thoughts:

Why is there evil in this world?  Why do bad things happen?

"Bear in mind that our Lord's patience means salvation..."  (II Peter 3:15)

If God came right now, less people would be saved and go to heaven.  God sees everything.  He sees our pain and suffering.  Although He is waiting for the end, for the perfect moment, He does not sit idly by as we suffer.  "Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?"  (Hebrews 1:14)  He sent His Son to give us hope and salvation from evil, and He sent the Holy Spirit to guide us.

Do not mistake His patience for apathy.  God is real and so is the devil.  Evil will be purged out.  I pray that none of you are entangled in evil when that time comes.  Allow God to work in your life and help you grow.  As the mustard seed and yeast parables show, all you need is a little bit of faith.  God can work with that.  Just say, "Yes".  Say, "Okay, God".  Look up and say, "Help".  He'll be there.  He was for me.  I know He sent a ministering angel when I gave up and sought death.  I couldn't deal with the weight of my guilt and the suffering that was inflicted upon me for over 20 years.  But, I had a desperate clutch on hope.  It saved my life.  Here I am spiritually and mentally sound.  Life can still suck, but I know I'm not alone and I know how this game of life will play out.  I'm with God on this one.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Matthew 13: Part I - The Parable of the Sower (NIV)


The Parable of the Sower
Verses 1-23

The same day, Jesus left the house and sat by the lake.  The crowd became so large that He got into a boat, where He sat as the people stood on the shore.

Jesus spoke in many parables (short stories).  A farmer went to sow seed...

Landing Spot - Path.
Result - Birds came and ate it.
Meaning - Hear the message and don't understand, so the devil snatches it from their heart.

Landing Spot - Among rocks without much soil.
Result - Quickly sprang up and withered in the sun, because it had no root.
Meaning - Receives the Word with joy.  Since they have no root, it is ephemeral.  When trouble and persecution comes, they quickly fall away.

Landing Spot - Among thorns.
Result - Grew & choked.
Meaning - Life's worries and wealth's deceitfulness choke them and they are unfruitful.

Landing Spot - Good soil.
Result - Produced a crop 100, 60, or 30X what was sown.
Meaning - Hear and understand, so they produce a crop 100, 60, or 30X what was sown.

"He who has ears, let him hear."  (Verse 9)  [Jesus wants us to understand and grasp the good news about salvation.]

The disciples asked why Jesus spoke in parables.  Jesus answered that the knowledge of heaven's secrets have been given to the disciples, but not to the people.  Those who have will be given more and will have in abundance.  Those that don't have, what they do have will be taken from them.

" 'Though seeing, they do not see; though hearing, they do not understand.' "  (Verse 13b)

The prophecy in Isaiah 6:9,10 was fulfilled:
" 'You will be ever hearing but never understanding; you will be ever seeing but never perceiving.  For this people's heart has become calloused; they hardly hear with their ears, and they have closed their eyes.  Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts, and turn, and I would heal them.' "  (Verses 14-15)

Jesus said that the disciples were blessed because they could see and hear.  Many prophets and righteous men longed to see and hear what they had.  Then, he explained the meaning of the parable (which I've already written above).

Lori's Thoughts:

Jesus' stories were meant for those who seek God.  Those with faith enough to look for Him will gain much more.  They will know Him and speak with Him.  Those that do not desire to understand, those that choose to doubt, will lose their faith in everything.  They will soon find that their dependence upon money or status or other humans will fall through.  Those that have will gain.  Those that lack will lose.

The prophets and righteous men were told about Jesus' first coming.  They longed to see Him.  They were blessed because of their faith, even though they didn't see.

In the disciples' time, many saw Him, but they did not accept Him.  The disciples were blessed because they saw Him and believed.  Because they believed, the secrets of heaven were revealed to them.

Those that don't understand the gospel, because they do not seek, will have the seeds of the gospel stolen from them.  Some people see the beauty of the gospel, but refuse to surrender to God.  So, they easily fall away when things get hard.  How can they receive mercy and grace when they aren't connected?

Some people grow in faith, but aren't fully committed.  So, when finances fail and times get hard, they falter.  Those that surrender their all to God will grow.  The gospel will be spread to many more people because of their faith.

Get rooted!  Life is good with God.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

II Chronicles 24 - Joash Repairs the Temple (NIV)


Joash Repairs the Temple
Verses 1-16

Joash was 7 years old when he became king.  He reigned in Jerusalem for 40 years.  His mother was Zibiah, from Beersheba.  He did right in God's eyes, as long as Jehoiada was the chief priest.  Jehoiada chose 2 wives for Joash and he had sons and daughters.

Later on, Joash decided to restore the Lord's temple.  He summoned the priests and Levites, telling them to go to the towns of Judah and collect the annual tax to repair the temple.  The Levites did not act.  Joash, then, summoned Jehoiada, asking him why he hadn't required the Levites to impose Moses' tax on Judah and Jerusalem for the Tent of the Testimony.

The sons of the wicked woman, Athaliah, had broken into the temple and used the sacred objects for the Baals.  The king commanded a chest to be built and placed at the gate of the temple.  A proclamation was issued for the people to bring in the tax of Moses.  All the officials and people brought their portions gladly.  The Levites took it to the king's officials, periodically emptying it out.  They ended up collecting a lot of money.

Joash and Jehoiada gave the money to the masons, carpenters, workers in iron and bronze to repair the Lord's temple.  The workers were diligent and rebuilt the temple back to its original design and reinforced it.  The leftover money was brought to the king and chief priest.  They used it to make the articles for service, burnt offerings, dishes, and other objects of gold and silver.  As long as Jehoiada lived, the burnt offerings were presented continually in the temple.

Jehoiada was old and full of years.  He died at 130 years old.  He was buried with the kings in the City of David, because of the good he'd done in Israel for God and His temple.

The Wickedness of Joash
Verses 17-27

After Jehoiada's death, Judah's officials paid homage to the king and he listened to them.  They abandoned the temple and God.  They worshiped the Asherah poles and idols.  Because of their guilt, God's anger came upon Judah and Jerusalem.  God sent prophets to turn the people back, but they didn't listen.

The Spirit of God came upon Zechariah, the son of Jehoiada.  He told them God's message: Why had they disobeyed God's commands?  They would not prosper.  Because they'd forsaken God, He'd forsaken them.

The people plotted against Zechariah.  By the king's order, they stoned him to death in the courtyard of the Lord's temple.  King Joash forgot Jehoiada's kindness and killed his son.  As Zechariah died, he asked God to see this act and call Joash into account.

At the turn of the year (probably spring), the Aramean army marched against Joash.  They invaded Judah and Jerusalem, killing all their leaders.  They sent the plunder to their king in Damascus.  The Aramean army was small, but God delivered Judah's larger army to them.  Because they'd forsaken God, judgment was executed on Joash.  The Arameans withdrew and Joash was severely wounded.  His officials conspired and killed him in his bed for murdering Jehoiada's son.  He was buried in the City of David, but not in the tombs of the kings.

The conspirators were Zabad son of Shimeath, an Ammonite woman, and Jehozabad son of Shimrith, a Moabite woman.

The account of his sons, the prophecies about him, and the record of the temple's restoration are in the annotations on the book of kings.  His son, Amaziah, became king.

Lori's Thoughts:

Joash's faith was conditional upon another human.  He was not connected to God.  Once Jehoiada was no longer with him, Joash was easily swayed by wicked men.

Our faith must be established on solid rock.  Do not depend on your parents, your spouse, or your pastor to dictate your works for the Lord.  Be directly connected to the Source.

Although the temple was restored to its former glory, the service to God was attributable to Jehoiada.  It was as if Jehoiada was the real King of Judah, at that time.  He was the one to receive a kingly burial.

Joash was set aside for service to the Lord, at a young age.  However, he behaved as wickedly as his uncles, who desecrated the items of the temple, after Jehoiada's death.  It sounds as if Joash and Jehoiada worked together for a long time.  But, Joash clearly forgot how they'd thrived together.  He forsook God, worshiped idols, and had others kill Zechariah, the man of God.

We must all give account for our words and actions on this earth.  Because of Joash's sin, Judah fell.  Joash's officials sought vengeance for Jehoiada's son's death.  Joash paid the price for his sin - death.

I pray that if you fall away from God, that you will respond to the call of the Holy Spirit.  God sent several messengers, giving Joash several opportunities to repent, before He punished him.  God is merciful and just.  Come back to Him.  Rededicate yourself to Him.  Remember how you prospered with Him before.  Or, find out how you will prosper with Him, if you haven't already.

"Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him."  (Psalm 34:8)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Matthew 12: Part III - The Sign of Jonah (NIV)


The Sign of Jonah
Verses 38-45

Some of the Pharisees and teachers of the law asked Jesus, calling Him 'Teacher', for a miracle.  Jesus replied:
- Only wicked and adulterous people ask for a miraculous sign.
- None will be given, except for the sign of the prophet Jonah.  He was in the belly of a huge fish, for 3 days and 3 nights.
- The Son of Man will be in the heart of the earth for 3 days and 3 nights.
- Ninevah will stand up on judgment day and condemn the current Israelite generation, because they repented at Jonah's preaching.
- One greater than Jonah was now here.

- The Queen of the South will rise at the judgment and condemn the current generation.  She came from the ends of the earth to listen to Solomon's wisdom.
- One greater than Solomon was here.

- When an evil spirit comes out of a man, it wanders through arid places, finding no rest.  It returns to its former house, finding it unoccupied, clean, and orderly.  It finds 7 other, more wicked, spirits and they go live there.  The man's final condition is worse than before.
- This is how it will be with this current wicked generation.

Lori's Thoughts:

Were the Pharisees not paying attention?!  Jesus healed a man's withered hand and cast out demons so another man could see and speak.  Did they not hear of the miracles Jesus performed with multitudes?  Were they asking for a personal miracle so they could have faith once they had proof?  Faith is belief in the unseen.

Jonah rebelled against God and ran away from his assignment.  He feared the Ninevites and fled.  God had him swallowed and he became a changed man in 3 days.  The Pharisees were unwilling to change and accept their need for a Savior.  So, on Judgment Day, Jonah's faith will expose their stubborness and unbelief.

The Queen of Sheba traveled far because of the stories she'd heard of the wisest and richest king on earth.  She desired to learn from him and brought him gifts for his time.  She left with more gifts than she'd arrived with.  So will it be when we come to the wisest and richest King in existence.  The Pharisees, although in His presence on a more regular basis, hated the Messiah.  On Judgment Day, the faith of the Queen of the South will expose their arrogance and legalism ("salvation" by works).

Even if people repent and stop sinning, if they are not filled with the Holy Spirit, they will be inhabited by evil spirits.  Don't let this happen to you.  You cannot make it to heaven without God.  You do not need to be perfect first to receive Him.  Look at Jonah.  Look at the apostle Paul.  Look at David!  The murderer whom God still called a man after His own heart, because He repented and earnestly sought to do God's will.

Rituals alone are meaningless.  The Pharisees were perfect in obedience of the law.  But their hearts, their spirits, were not in it.  They did not fear or love God or others.  So, really, they missed the point of the Ten Commandments.

Don't be like them.  Let your heart be His home.

This is a song by Jeremy Horn, called "The Only God Who Saves".  I thought it'd be appropriate for today's topic.


Jesus' Mother and Brothers
Verses 46-50

While speaking to the crowd, His mother and brothers stood outside, waiting to speak with Him.  Someone told Jesus that they were waiting.  Jesus asked who His mother and brothers were.  He pointed to His disciples and said that they were His mother and brothers.  Whoever does the will of His Father is His brother, sister, and mother.

Lori's Thoughts...

Jesus was not rejecting His earthly family.  He was embracing us into His heavenly one!  He loved His earthly family.  When He was dying on the cross, He made sure someone would take good care of His mother.  (See John 19:26-27)

When we accept God as our Master and we do His will (love Him and love people), we are a part of Christ's family.  We belong.  And, He wants us.  Not just tolerates us.  He longs for us.  Remember, we are His Creation.  Sin separated us from our heavenly Father.  He is doing absolutely everything to bring us back.  Even allowing His own Son to die for our sins!  If that's not humbling, I don't know what is.

Thank you, Lord Jesus, for not giving up on me or those reading this now.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Matthew 12: Part II - Jesus and Beelzebub (NIV)


Jesus and Beelzebub
Verses 22-37

They brought Jesus a demon-possessed man who was blind and mute.  Jesus healed him and he could see and talk.  The people were amazed and asked if this could be the Son of David.

The Pharisees heard this and claimed that Jesus drove out demons by Beelzebub, the prince of demons.  Jesus knew their thoughts and responded:
- A kingdom divided against itself will fall.
- If Satan drives out Satan, he is divided; how can his kingdom stand?
- If Jesus drives demons out by Beelzebub, then by whom do the Pharisees drive demons out?  They will be your judges.
- If He drives out demons by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you.
- How can anyone enter a strong man's house to rob him, without first tying him up?
- Those not with Him are against Him.  Those that don't gather with Him will scatter.

"And so I tell you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven.  Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come."  (Verses 31-32)

- If a tree is made good, its fruit will be good.  If it's made bad, so will its fruit be bad.  A tree is recognized by its fruit.

Jesus called the Pharisees a brood of vipers.  He asked how they, who were evil, could say anything good.  The mouth speaks from the overflow of the heart.  A good man produces good from what he has stored up in himself.  A bad man produces bad from what he has stored.  Men will give an account on judgment day for the careless words they spoke.  You will be acquitted or condemned by your words.

Lori's Thoughts:

The devil had a stronghold on the man Jesus healed.  Maybe a demon was sent to keep this man from talking about Jesus.  Maybe a demon was sent to keep him from seeking Jesus or seeing His miracles.  If we have not received the Holy Spirit and allowed Him to purge sin from us, then the devil can by all means put strongholds on us to make it difficult to accept Jesus.

If you have accepted Jesus as your Savior, then you have the ability to cast out demons by His Name.  But, the demons will bring more demons and stronger demons to work harder to bring you down.  If you don't fill up the spaces they've left with the Holy Spirit, they will succeed.  So, make sure you accept Jesus as your Master as well.  Serve Him and stop sinning.  Keep sinning and you serve Satan.

Those that don't know Jesus and speak against Him, those friends of mine claiming to be atheist or agnostic, will be forgiven.  They have not yet come to really know Christ.  Those that have met Christ, spiritually, but deny the Holy Spirit, will be condemned.  It's not the non-believers we should worry about in this situation.  It is the Christians.  I believe the devil works harder against you once you accept Christ.  So, if you are not fully committed, God legally cannot block Satan from having a stronghold against you.  However, you cannot be saved without accepting Jesus.  This first step must be taken.

Jesus tells us to carry each others' burdens.  We must pray for each other to stand against the flaming arrows of the evil one.

If the eyes are the window to the soul, then your words are a reflection of your heart.  If you speak words of hope and of life, so is your heart full of hope and life.  In fact, it overflows with the fruit of the Spirit.  If you speak words of doubt and condemnation, with such things is your heart filled.

Give your heart to Jesus.  Yes, the devil will attack you, but One greater than the devil will protect you, if you completely surrender to Him.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Matthew 12: Part I - Lord of the Sabbath (NIV)


Lord of the Sabbath
Verses 1-14

Jesus and His disciples went through grainfields on the Sabbath.  The disciples were hungry and picked the heads of grain to eat.  The Pharisees saw this and accused them of breaking the Sabbath law.  Jesus replied by referencing the Old Testament:
- David and his companions were hungry.  They entered God's house and ate the consecrated bread, which only the priests were allowed to do.
- In the Law, the priests desecrate the Sabbath, but are innocent.

Jesus said, One that is greater than the temple is here.  If they understood the saying, " 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice, ' " (Hosea 6:6; verse 7b) then they would not have condemned the innocent.  The Son of Man is the Lord of the Sabbath.

Jesus then went to the synagogue.  There was a man with a shriveled hand.  Wanting to accuse Jesus, they asked if it was lawful to heal on the Sabbath.  Jesus asked if they would save their sheep if it fell into a pit on the Sabbath.  A man is worth more than a sheep, so, yes, it is lawful to heal on the Sabbath. Jesus then told the man to stretch out his hand and he did so.  The Pharisees left and plotted to kill Jesus.

God's Chosen Servant
Verses 15-21

Knowing the Pharisees' scheme, Jesus left.  Many followed Him and He healed all of their sick, warning them not to reveal His identity.  This fulfilled the prophecy in Isaiah 42:1-4 -
" 'Here is my servant whom I have chosen, the one I love, in whom I delight; I will put my Spirit on him, and he will proclaim justice to the nations.  He will not quarrel or cry out; no one will hear his voice in the streets.  A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out, till he leads justice to victory.  In his name, the nations will put their hope.' "  (Verses 18-21)

Lori's Thoughts:

The purpose of the Law is to show a sinful generation how to live without sin.  In the light of the Law, our inadequacy in righteousness is revealed.  Jesus came to show us how to live connected to the Law-maker.  We can be more than just obedient servants.  We can be providers and healers through God's power.

The devil does what he can to remove Jesus from our lives.  He wants to tear God's children away from Him, because he's vindictive about his sentence.  He also tears God away from us to make us believe that God is unneeded or absent.  The devil is a liar.

Although religious leaders, believing themselves to be more righteous than Christ, allowed themselves to be swayed by Satan, Jesus was not deterred from His mission.  Jesus knew He would die eventually, but not that day.  He healed all who came to Him; He did not hide.  He told His followers to keep His identity hidden to help Him continue in His ministry by delaying interference.

Jesus did not condemn the Pharisees.  He gave everyone, including those with the smallest bit of faith, a chance to grow in faith.

He is patient, just, and He gives us hope.  I want some.

Friday, June 17, 2011

II Chronicles 23 - Athaliah & Joash (NIV)


Athaliah and Joash
Verses 1-21

(From chapter 22: Athaliah had been in power for 6 years, while Joash was hidden in the Lord's temple.)

In the 7th year, Jehoiada the priest and uncle of Joash showed his strength.  He made a covenant with the commanders of units of a hundred: Azariah son of Jeroham, Ishmael son of Jehohanan, Azariah son of Adaiah, and Elishaphat son of Zicri.  They all went to unite the Levites from Judah and the heads of the Israelite families from all other towns and went to Jerusalem.  All of them made a covenant with the king at the Lord's temple.

Jehoiada spoke to the people.  Joash would reign as God had promised, in regards to David's descendants.  1/3 of the priests and Levites going on duty on the Sabbath would keep watch at the doors. 1/3 of them would be stationed at the royal palace and another 1/3 at the Foundation Gate.  All other men would be in the courtyards of the Lord's temple.  No one was to enter the temple, except the priests and Levites on duty, because they were consecrated.  Levites were to station around the king, with their weapons, and kill those that entered.  They were to stay close to the king.

Everyone did as Jehoiada had ordered.  Those on and off duty went to work.  Jehoiada gave the spears, large and small shields, that had been David's and were placed in God's temple, to the commanders.  They were stationed around the king near the altar and temple, from the south to the north sides of the temple.

Jehoiada and his sons brought Joash out and crowned him.  They presented him with a copy of the covenant and proclaimed him king.  They anointed him and shouted, " 'Long live the king!' "  (Verse 11b)  Athaliah heard the noise and went to investigate.  All the people, including the trumpeters, were rejoicing and playing music, in praise.  Athaliah tore her robe and shouted, " 'Treason!  Treason!' "  (Verse 13b)  Jehoiada sent the commanders and told them to take her outside, killing anyone that followed her.  They were not to kill her in the temple.  So, they took her to the Horse Gate, at the palace grounds, and put her to death.

Jehoiada, the king, and the people made a covenant to be God's people.  They tore down the temple of Baal.  They smashed the altars and idols, killing Mattan, the priest of Baal, in front of the altars.  Jehoiada placed the Levite priests, whom David had assigned to the temple, in charge.  They were to present the burnt offerings, according to the Law of Moses, with rejoicing and singing, as David had instructed.  He stationed doorkeepers at the gates of the Lord's temple, so no unclean person could enter.

The commanders, nobles, and rulers brought the king from the temple to the palace, through the Upper Gate.  They seated him on the throne and everyone rejoiced.  The city was quiet, because Athaliah had been slain by the sword.

Lori's Thoughts:

I knew God had something incredible planned!  A few people is all it took.  A few loyal to the Creator rose up and fought for their faith.  They reclaimed themselves as His chosen people.  They united Israel, not just Judah.

Living for God is not for the idle or weak.  If we stand, we build up our faith.  If we move, we act out in faith.  We defend ourselves and His people.  We take the offensive against God's enemies.  But, we do nothing without the direct instructions from God.  To hear Him clearly, we must be that closely connected to Him.

Everyone had a job to do to make this revolution possible and successful.

"Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.  And in the church, God has appointed first of all apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then workers of miracles, also those having gifts of healing, those able to help others, those with gifts of administration, and those speaking in different kinds of tongues."  (I Corinthians 12:27-28)

You have a purpose, a special gift!  You are being prepared for something amazing!  Join in the revolution to revive the spirits of people.  Show them Christ through your actions and in your life.  Prepare their hearts to accept Him.  He still knocks.

Let's all go Home!!!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Matthew 11: Part II - Woe on Unrepentant Cities (NIV)


Woe on Unrepentant Cities
Verses 20-24

Jesus denounced the cities where most of His miracles had been performed, because they did not repent.
- Korazin & Bethsaida - if the miracles had been done in Tyre & Sidon, they would have repented a long time ago, with sackcloth and ashes.  It will be more bearable for the latter cities on Judgment Day.
- Capernaum - will go down to the depths, not up to the skies.  If the miracles had been performed in Sodom, it would have still been around today.  It will be more bearable for Sodom on Judgment Day.

Rest for the Weary
Verses 25-30

Jesus praised His Father, the Lord of heaven and earth, because it was His pleasure to reveal these things to little children, not to the wise and educated.  God committed all things to Christ.  Only the Father knows the Son and only the Son knows the Father, except those that the Son chooses to reveal Him to.

" 'Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.' "  (Verses 28-30)

Lori's Thoughts:

People literally touched by the Savior accepted the physical healing, but rejected the spiritual healing.  The first is ephemeral and superficial.  The second is eternal and deep.

Have you ever had "friends" that only come to you when they need something?  But, when you need something or when you want to hang out, they're nowhere to be found?  This is the story of my life in high school.  Well, a similar thing happened with Jesus.  He healed nations, but only a few accepted spiritual cleansing through a relationship with Him.  This makes me sad.  To me, life is meaningless without God.  My life without God is dark.  It's not even life.  It's depression, low self-esteem, no ambition save for survival, no trust or hope or love.  With God, I have peace in all situations, I know He will never leave me destitute, we speak to each other and I am comforted, because I am held.  How can anyone not want that?!?  It's incomprehensible to me!

We can never earn God's approval.  He freely gives.  If His wisdom was given to philosophers and doctors, they would think it's because they were worthy or intelligent enough.  God turns things upside-down.  He teaches the open and simple-minded.

Are you tired?  Are you lost?  Are you anxious or depressed?  Are you ready to quit?  Don't.  Collapse into Christ's arms.  His reward is rest, gentleness and humility towards you.  You will be refined by His fire and renewed in your spirit to live in His light and move by His power.  Try Jesus, today.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Matthew II: Part I - Jesus and John the Baptist (NIV)


Jesus and John the Baptist
Verses 1-19

After Jesus instructed the Twelve, He went to preach in the towns of Galilee.  John the Baptist was in prison and heard what Christ was doing.  He sent his disciples to ask Him if He was the one to come or if they should expect someone else.  Jesus responded that the blind see, the lame walk, those with leprosy are cured, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is preached to the poor.  Those that do not fall away on His account are blessed.

When John's disciples started to leave, Jesus spoke to the crowd.  He asked if they had gone to the desert to see a reed swayed by the wind or a finely dressed man or a prophet.  He told them that John was more than a prophet.  Malachi 3:1 prophesies about him " 'I will send my messenger ahead of you, who will prepare your way before you.' "  (Verse 10b)  Jesus said that no one was greater than John, yet the least in the kingdom of heaven was greater than John.  Ever since John started preaching, the kingdom of heaven was forcefully advancing and forceful men grabbed onto it.  The Law and the Prophets prophesied until John came.  Jesus called John the Elijah that was to come.  "He who has ears, let him hear."  (Verse 15)

Jesus compared their generation like children sitting in the marketplaces and calling out that they played the flute, but he didn't dance and they sang a dirge, but he didn't mourn.  John did not come eating and drinking, so the people said he had a demon.  The Son of Man came eating and drinking, so the people called Him a glutton, a drunkard, and a friend of tax collectors and 'sinners'.  "But wisdom is proved right by her actions."  (Verse 19b)

Lori's Thoughts:

Maybe John was discouraged in prison.  Maybe he wondered if he'd see the prophecies God gave him fulfilled.  He probably knew that he would soon die, so he decided to investigate.  It's good that his followers ministered to him in prison to help set John's heart at ease, despite the reputation they would undoubtedly receive for being friends with a prisoner.

Jesus gave John hope.  However, Jesus did not visit John in prison.  Why?  To help John's faith.  Faith is what we hope for in things unseen.  Jesus could have come and said, yes, I'm the One you've been waiting for.  Would that be proof?  Jesus' actions, words, and miracles are the indicators that God did walk this earth.  If He "proved" Himself to every doubter, no one would do the work that it takes to gain a relationship with God.  And it starts with faith.

I'm sure John was heartened by Jesus' message.  His prophecy was fulfilled and his goal accomplished: preparing the way for Jesus.  I believe they mean spiritually.  John preached in the desert for people to give up sin and prepare for the coming of the Lord.  Those that had faith and took John's advice were more accepting of Jesus and His message.  Now, this message is not for lazy people.  People that take the initiative and do not hesitate, those that actively seek God in their lives, are the ones that hold onto the kingdom of heaven.

Jesus compared John to Elijah the prophet.  What a major compliment.  Elijah was infused with the Holy Spirit.  When Jesus said that no man was greater than John, but the least in heaven was greater, I believe He meant that we should look to heaven and not earth for our hope.  God can use anyone for His work.  But, the power is from Him.  Do not look to anyone else for salvation, no matter how great they are on earth.

Unfortunately, the people rejected John because he fasted and did not join in their revelry.  To earnestly seek God, we must do as John did.  There is a time for everything, but if we do not subject ourselves to God and go through sanctification, we will miss out on the celebration with Christ.

Now, Christ feasted while on earth, but the people still rejected Him.  That's because He shows us that we're sinners.  People would rather party now than wait for heaven.  All I can say is that it will be a short party in comparison.

You will know whom people serve by their actions.  I choose to seek God first and obey Him.  Guess what?  I still get to have fun.  I just work hard to receive a renewed spirit from God as well.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

II Chronicles 22 - Ahaziah King of Judah (NIV)


Ahaziah King of Judah
Verses 1-9

The people of Jerusalem made Ahaziah, the youngest son of Jehoram, king of Judah.  The Arabs had killed all the older sons.  He was 22 years old when he became king.  He reigned for 1 year.  His mother was Athaliah, granddaughter of Omri.  He did evil in God's eyes, encouraged by his mother to follow the ways of Ahab.  Ahab's house became his advisers which led to his demise.

Ahaziah went with Joram, the son of Ahab king of Israel, to war with Hazael king of Aram at Ramoth Gilead.  The Arameans wounded Joram who went back to Jezreel to recover.  Ahaziah visited Joram and God brought about his downfall.  They both went down to meet Jehu son of Nimshi, whom God had anointed to destroy Ahab's house.  While executing judgment of Ahab's house, Jehu saw the princes of Judah and the sons of Ahaziah's relatives who were attending Ahaziah.  Jehu killed them, then he went out after Ahaziah.  Jehu's men captured him when he was hiding in Samaria.  They brought him to Jehu and put him to death.  They buried him because he was a son of Jehoshaphat, who sought after God's heart.  No one in Ahaziah's house was strong enough to retain the kingdom.

Athaliah and Joash
Verses 10-12

Athaliah, Ahaziah's mother, saw that he was dead.  She then proceeded to destroy the royal family of Judah's house.  Jehosheba, the daughter of King Jehoram, wife of the priest Jehoiada, and sister to Ahaziah took Joash, Ahaziah's son, and hid him and his nurse in a bedroom.  She did this because his brothers were about to be murdered.  Joash remained hidden in the temple of God for 6 years while Athaliah ruled.

Lori's Thoughts:

This story is a good example of the influence others can have on us.  In yesterday's entry, we discussed how a student is like his teacher and a servant is like his master.  The head of the household was now Athaliah,  Ahaziah's mother.  She was bent on destroying Judah's line.

However, amidst all this destruction of God's people, forces of good were at work.  I'm sure the devil was working to cut off Judah's line, because Jesus is the Lion of Judah.  Satan was messing with the Master's plan.  But, God cannot be deceived.  He had Jehu tear down the stronghold that was Ahab's family, who had so malinfluenced (a word I just made up) God's people.  Unfortunately, some from Judah's line were so corrupt that they received the same judgment.

Satan moved Athaliah to remove any future kings of Judah.  God moved Jehosheba to protect the line.  I bet her marriage to the priest Jehoiada helped her to be connected to God and His will.  Although evil reigned for six years, I bet Joash, whom Jehosheba had protected, was being prepared in God's temple to restore Judah back in their faith and covenant with God.

As Christians, we must be willing to act and fight if God tells us to.  The war between good and evil continuously rages.  Satan still tries to conquer God's children.  He will succeed unless we are rooted in God.

Now, sometimes it may seem that evil has won.  We may be led to believe that God is absent.  Have a little faith.  He may be working in secret, preparing someone to be a great leader, while slowly, but surely, demolishing evil.

God is working for the good of those that love Him (see Romans 8:28).  Have a little faith and patience.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Matthew 10: Part II - Jesus Sends Out the Twelve (NIV)


Jesus Sends Out the Twelve
Verses 21-42

Brothers will betray brothers to their death.  Fathers will betray their children.  Children will rebel against their parents to their death.  Everyone will hate you because of Him.  He who stands firm to the end will be saved.

When you are persecuted, flee to another place.  You won't finish going through the cities of Israel before the Son of Man comes.

No student is above his teacher and no servant is above his master.  It is enough for them to be alike.  If the head of the house is Beelzebub, how much more will its members be like him!

Do not fear them, for everything will be brought to light and all secrets will be proclaimed.

"Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul.  Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell."  (Verse 28)

Two sparrows are worth one penny.  None of them fall to the ground apart from the will of God.  The hairs of your head are numbered.  Do not fear because you are worth more than many sparrows.

Jesus will acknowledge before God those that acknowledge Him before men.  He will disown those that disown Him.

Jesus came to bring a sword, not peace.  He came to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.  A man's enemies will be the members of his own household.  Anyone that loves their parents or children more than God is unworthy of Him.  Those that don't take their cross and follow Him are also unworthy.  Those who find their lives will lose it.  Those that lose their lives for Him will find it.

Those that receive us receive Him.  Those that receive Him receive the One who sent Him.  Those that receive prophets because they are prophets will receive a prophet's reward.  Those that receive a righteous man because he is such will receive a righteous man's reward.  If anyone gives even a cup of cold water to His little ones because they are His disciples, He tells us the truth, he will not lose his reward.

Lori's Thoughts:

Next to God, our sinful nature is completely exposed and we are ashamed.  Some people reach for the light.  Others turn their backs on the light and continue on in their sin.  Why?  Because it's hard to give up comfort for physical and spiritual exercise.  We think it's impossible to live without money or sex or whatever it is we hold onto other than God.  I thought I'd always desire sex and marriage.  This was the most difficult thing to bring under submission to God.  If it is His will for me to be single and celibate for the rest of my life, then so be it.  Is my soul worth losing for instant mediocre pleasure?

This is why people will hate us; they don't want to give up their sinful ways.  Sometimes these people are our own family members.  My hope is that they will catch a glimpse of God and eventually realize that sin only destroys, then ask for salvation from sin, which is instant.  However, removing sin from your life is a longer and more painful process.  And, you will be persecuted for it.  But, nothing compares to knowing that God is on your side.  He is greater than anything that any human or any evil spirit can conjure up against you.  He will never leave you or forsake you.  Remember, He loves you as you are and loves you enough to not leave you that way.

When persecuted, we must flee.  I'm not sure what this means, but we will not get to all the Israelite cities before Christ's return.

We become like those we serve.  If you look at someone's master, you will see their servants with his traits.  For example, we know that people and their dogs start to look alike.  Husbands and wives also start to look and behave alike.  We pick up on the characteristics of those we spend the most time with.  So it is with God.  We grow into His likeness, not so we may surpass Him, but so we will become better servants and spread His love to others, making disciples out of them.

God sees every thing.  Every evil and righteous thing.  He is the Ultimate Judge.  So, we should not fear physical death or pain, but rather the wrath of God.  If we are His, we have nothing to fear.  He knows the tiniest details about us.  That's how much He cares for us - intricately.  And we are worth something to Him.  The way we love our children or our pets helps us get an idea for how much He loves us.  He loves us enough to destroy that which damages and destroys His children.

So, will you let people know that He is your Savior and Master?  Or will you avoid being rejected by disowning Him?  What you do in this life echoes in eternity (compliments of "Gladiator").

Jesus did not bring a feel good gospel.  He never said choose me and everything will be easy.  Choosing Him is to choose the narrow and more difficult path.  But, it leads to an eternity with Him in the magnificent city that He's preparing for us.

God wants us to love all others.  However, we must be willing to give them up according to His will.  He will do whatever it takes to help us make it home, even remove from us what we could potentially place before Him.  Submit everything you care for to God.  He can better manage them for you.  Nothing should take His place in your life.  This is what it means to take up your cross.  We must be willing to lose everything, even our lives, if God wills it.  Sometimes a death helps give others a wake-up  call and they turn to God.  Thank God for that!  All I want is to be with those I love and those that may or may not love me to experience Him and spend eternity being whole.

Those that let go of the reins of their lives here will receive life there.

If we accept God's people because they are His, we will be rewarded.  This means that we must view everyone as His children and love them as such.  Even the difficult ones.  How do we love them?  By helping them through this painful life and leading them to heaven, where there is no more suffering or pain.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Matthew 10: Part I - Jesus Sends Out the Twelve (NIV)


Jesus Sends Out the Twelve
Verses 1-20

Jesus called His disciples to Himself and gave them the authority to drive out evil spirits and to heal every sickness and disease.

The 12 apostles:
Simon (Peter) and his brother, Andrew
James and John, the sons of Zebedee
Philip and Bartholomew
Thomas and Matthew, the tax collector
James, the son of Alphaeus, and Thaddaeus
Simon the Zealot and Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Him

Jesus sent them out with the following instructions:
- Do not go out to the Gentiles or Samaritans, but to the lost sheep of Israel.
- Tell the people that the kingdom of heaven is near.
- Heal sicknesses, raise the dead, cleanse those with leprosy, and drive out demons.
- As they had freely received from Him, they were to freely give.
- Leave all gold, silver, copper, bags, extra tunics, sandals, or staffs because the worker is worth his keep.
- Find a worthy person in each town to stay in.  Greet the home.  If it is worthy, let your peace be there.  If not, let your peace return to you.  If anyone rejects you and your words, shake the dust off of your feet when you leave the home or town.  It'll be better for Sodom and Gomorrah on judgment day than for that town.

Jesus was sending them out as sheep among wolves.  The apostles were to be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.  Be on your guard.  Men will hand you over to the local councils to be flogged in their synagogues.  On His account, they will bring you to the governors and kings as witnesses to them and to the Gentiles.  When you're arrested, don't worry about what you'll say or how you'll say it.  It will be given to you; the Holy Spirit will speak through you.

Lori's Thoughts:

I believe that a disciple is one who learns from Jesus and follows Him.  An apostle is someone who is ready to go out and carry out Jesus' work, by His power.  The disciples were called apostles once Jesus shared with them His power.

I think the apostles were all brothers, two sets each.  We know for sure that the first two sets are.  I'm guessing the rest are because they are listed in a similar manner.  Also, James was the son of Alphaeus.  James is listed next to Thaddaeus.  Fathers and sons tended to have similar names, so I believe Thaddaeus was also Alphaeus' son.

Why did Jesus call brothers?  Maybe their family bonds would help them as they went out to do Jesus' work and were persecuted.  I'd like to go with my siblings out there.

Jesus sent them to preach the message to the Jews (aka Israelites).  Why is that?  I know the devil attacks those closest to God the most fervently.  The Israelites were God's chosen people and they were lost.  The apostles were charged with renewing Israel's faith.  They were enabled to preach the good news, heal, and drive out demons.  God was reaching out to His children with the broken spirits.  Later, He'd reach out to those who hadn't known Him before.

If the apostles brought nothing with them, they'd be better able to discern who earnestly sought God.  If they had nothing else to offer, then people wouldn't be after their money or possessions, just the Word of God.  Also, the apostles were to earn their keep in all places.  They were to depend on God to supply all their needs and not take extra payment than their basic needs required.  We cannot serve both God and Money.

If they were rejected, they were not to take it personally.  Those people were rejecting Jesus and would be judged for it.  Those that deny Him have chosen hell.  Those that accept Him have chosen the kingdom of heaven.

Jesus is sending us out where it is dangerous.  He wants us to be innocent, but not weak.  We are to be street-smart.  We are not to run into danger, but be aware of it.  If we are in trouble, God will be with us.

Those that do His work will be at odds with the church and with the government.  We will be arrested, put on trial, and tortured.  Still want to serve Him?  It is not for no reason that we suffer.  We suffer here to reign there.  This is not our home.  We suffer to reach heaven's gates with a multitude by our side.  Let us not grow weary or afraid, but be strengthened by God in this spiritual battle.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

II Chronicles 21 - The End of Jehoshaphat's Reign (NIV)


The End of Jehoshaphat's Reign
Verses 1-3

Jehoshaphat rested with his fathers and was buried with them in the City of David.  His firstborn son, Jehoram, was given the throne.  His other sons - Azariah, Jehiel, Zechariah, Azariahu, Michael, and Shephatiah - were given a lot of silver, gold, articles of value, and fortified cities in Judah.

Jehoram King of Judah
Verses 4-20

Once Jehoram was established as king, he had all his brothers and some of the princes of Israel killed by the sword.  He was 32 years old when crowned and he reigned for 8 years.  He walked in the ways of the kings of Israel, as Ahab had done, because he had married a daughter of Ahab.  He did evil in God's eyes.  However, God wouldn't destroy the house of David because He'd promised David that He'd keep a lamp for him and his descendants forever.

Edom rebelled against Jehoram and set up their own king.  Jehoram and his officials and chariots fought Edom.  Edom surrounded them, but they got away.  Edom is still in rebellion to this day.

Libnah revolted at the same time because Jehoram forsook God.  Jehoram built high places on Judah's hills and made the people prostitute themselves and led Judah astray.

Elijah the prophet sent Jehoram a letter with a message from God.  Since he hadn't walked in the ways of Jehoshaphat or Asa, but as the kings of Israel, murdering those of his father's house, who were better than him, the Lord would strike his family and everything he owned with a heavy blow.  Jehoram would have an incurable disease that would cause his bowels to come out.

God riled up the Philistines and Arabs near the Cushites.  They took the king's goods, sons, and wives.  Only Ahaziah, Jehoram's youngest son was left.  Jehoram died a painful death, as Elijah had prophesied.  No fire was made in his honor as the people had done for his fathers.  No one mourned his death.  He was buried in the City of David, but not in the kings' tombs.

Lori's Thoughts:

I always said that Jehoshaphat wasn't the brightest king.  He should have consulted with God before giving the throne to his firstborn son.  I don't think he ever acted maliciously, just a bit foolishly.

Jehoram was evil in several ways:
1. He married a daughter of Israel's king.  When Israel was one unit, God had told them not to marry outside of their tribe.  This is not because interracial marriages were forbidden.  It is because all other tribes were enemies of God.  They lived in evil.  They worshiped false gods and practiced satanic rituals, such as sacrificing their children in fire.  God knew that if Israel married outside their tribe, then the devil would have a stronghold on them and influence them to sin against God.  In Jehoram's case, Israel was an enemy of God, and he married one of Israel's women.

Today, anyone can be God's child.  However, we should be aware of the influence other people, family, friends, or a spouse have on us.  Ask God to inform you when you can be a good influence on others or when others will be a bad influence on you.

We should strive to be strong enough in our faith to lead others to God.  However, ask God before you dive into a relationship.  It may save your life.

2. He murdered his brothers = a direct violation of the 6th commandment.  (see Exodus 20 for the Ten Commandments)

3. He built high places to worship false gods, a direct violation of the 1st commandment.

4. He led the people astray.  When it says that he led the people into prostitution, I believe it means spiritually.  A relationship with God is similar to a marriage, and these people cheated on God.

Now, everyone will be held accountable for their actions on judgment day.  However, leaders are held more accountable because of their power and influence.  They will be judged more severely.  Jesus said, " '...if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to be thrown into the sea with a large millstone tied around his neck.' "  (Mark 9:42)

. . .

There were those that rebelled against Judah because they kept the faith.  If I was there, I hope I'd be one of these people.

However, I believe God still wouldn't have destroyed Judah, even if there weren't good rebels.               " '...I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.' "  (Exodus 20:5-6)  So great was God's love for King David, even though he was already dead, that God honored him by taking out Jehoram and his family only.  David's line was preserved.

God is just.  He is also merciful.

Jehoram died a pretty gruesome death.  It was not a mournful day when he died.  The people respected him with a burial, but they didn't honor him.

How would you like to leave your legacy?  People will mourn the loss of those that looked beyond their personal gain and helped others.  Those are the true heroes.  Live your life in the way you would want to be remembered.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Matthew 9: Part III - Jesus Heals the Blind and Mute


Jesus Heals the Blind and Mute
Verses 27-34

Jesus left the ruler's house and two blind men called out to Him for mercy, calling Him the Son of David.  Jesus went indoors and asked the men if they believed He could do this.  They answered yes.  Jesus touched their eyes and said, " 'According to your faith will it be done to you.' "  (Verse 29b)  And they received their sight.  Jesus told them not to tell anyone, but they told the whole region.

As Jesus was leaving, a demon-possessed man, who couldn't speak, was brought to Him.  The demon was driven out and the man spoke.  The crowd was amazed and said they'd never before seen something like this in Israel.  But, the Pharisees claimed that Jesus drove out demons by the prince of demons.

Lori's Thoughts:

"Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith..."  (Hebrews 12:2a)  The blind men didn't go as far as the faithful sick woman had, but Jesus healed them as well.  I believe He asked them if they believed so that they could confess their faith aloud.  There is power in the spoken word.  God spoke and created the world.  Jesus spoke and healed ailments and drove out demons  We can speak and drive out demons as well.

Jesus told the blind men and He tells us that, if we believe, we will receive.  Confess your faith to God and see how He helps it grow.

Now, Jesus told the men not to tell anyone about this miracle.  I think He, as a human, was tired and needed a break.  He'd been going non-stop for a while.  But, it's quite difficult to keep secret the wonders of God.  We want to share it with everyone, hoping they will fall in love and be healed by Jesus.

Notice how the religious leaders doubted Christ and the crowd believed Him.  The last will be first and the first will be last (see Mark 10:31).  I just hope that the religious will get there eventually.  Works without faith or a relationship with God gets you nowhere.  Actually, it can lead to hell.  Those that believe and talk to God are moved to live as Jesus lived, by having compassion on everyone.  He helped them and healed them.  He wants us to do the same.  "Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it."  (I Corinthians 12:27)  If we all work together, we can share the load that had been placed upon one Man.


The Workers Are Few
Verses 35-38

Jesus went through all towns and villages, teaching in the synagogues.  He preached the good news of the kingdom and healed every disease and sickness.  When He saw the crowds, He had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.  He said to His disciples, " 'The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.  Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest field.' "  (Verse 37b-38)

Lori's Thoughts...

Salvation is available for everyone, not just for those with the right heritage or position or religion.  Christ went everywhere to spread the gospel and heal the sick.  He loves us.  We are the sheep and He is our Shepherd.  However, He wants us to be shepherds as well.  This is what He means by 'workers'.  He is building us up in faith so we can continue His work on earth as He finishes preparing our home in heaven.  Are you willing to go do His work?  It will require putting everything into submission to Him.

I know I want to make it to heaven with people by my side.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Matthew 9: Part II - Jesus Questioned About Fasting (NIV)


Jesus Questioned About Fasting
Verses 14-17

John's disciples asked Jesus why they and the Pharisees fasted, but His disciples did not.  Jesus asked them how the guests of the bridegroom could mourn if he was in their presence?  There'd be a time when the bridegroom would be taken from them; then they'd fast.  He said that no one sews a new patch on an old garment, because it will shrink and pull away from the garment, making the tear worse.  No one pours new wine into old wineskins, because they will burst.  The wine will be spilled and the wineskins will be ruined.  One should pour new wine into new wineskins and both will be preserved.

Lori's Thoughts:

As I mentioned in II Chronicles 20, we can rejoice now, knowing that the spiritual battle between God and Satan has been won by our heavenly Father.  It will be carried out to completion.  Similarly, when Jesus was on earth, fasting was not needed.  The disciples basked in the light of Jesus.

I believe fasting is needed to purify ourselves to help us hear God more clearly.  (See Acts 13:1-3)  We do this while Christ is in heaven.

I think the two examples of the old and new being incompatible are symbols of the old and new covenant.  Both cannot co-exist.  Christ died and conquered sin once and for all.  If we continue making guilt offerings instead of seeking forgiveness and sanctification from God, we negate the need for Jesus Christ, thus rejecting His salvation.  We cannot save or change ourselves without Him.  So, let Him renew our hearts and minds, so that we can accept His new covenant.


A Dead Girl and a Sick Woman
Verses 18-26

As Jesus was speaking, a ruler knelt before Him and told Him that his daughter had just died, but would live if Jesus put His hand on her.  Jesus and His disciples went with the ruler.

A woman that had been bleeding for 12 years came up behind Jesus and touched the edge of His cloak.  She had thought that this simple act would heal her.  Jesus turned and saw her.  He told her to take heart, calling her His daughter.  He said that her faith had healed her and she was healed at that moment.

When Jesus arrived at the ruler's house, there were flute players and a noisy crowd.  Jesus sent them away, because the girl was asleep, not dead.  They laughed at Him and were put outside.  Jesus grabbed the girl's hand and she got up.  The news of this spread throughout the whole region.

Lori's Thoughts...

Jesus was revolutionary.  He redefined death for us.  Real death is spiritual; it is separation from God.  Physical death isn't what we should fear, because the Lord can do a "180" on that one.  When He returns, we who have accepted Him will arise at His trumpet call.  (See I Thessalonians 4:16-17)

The crowd mocked Jesus for speaking nonsense.  Just because it makes no sense to us, it doesn't mean that it makes no sense to God.  He sees all.  We see very little in comparison.  The mockers were shut up when Jesus proved His Word to be true.  The crowd then switched gears and spread the news of Christ's miracles.

I wonder what the difference was between this crowd and the ruler.  The ruler didn't need proof of Jesus' power.  He had heard of Jesus' work and believed that He could save his little girl.  Imagine if he had stayed with the mourners, supposedly 'knowing' that physical death was the end.  This is why it is vital for us to be connected with God and not let people define our faith for us.  All humans are subject to error.  The devil can deceive humans, but not God.  Be connected to the Source.

In the midst of this story, where a ruler submitted himself to Christ's authority, a side story slips in.  However, this is a story of one of the greatest acts of faith in history.  This woman, with a 12-year-old problem, had such great faith, that she stopped Jesus in His tracks.  If I had this problem, it would have started at age 14.  I probably would have believed that it would last for the rest of my life.  The woman probably did too.  She had resigned herself to being unclean and unwanted.  Forget the prospects of marriage or income or happiness.  But, she had faith like a mustard seed.  She heard about the Healer Jesus and, despite her years of suffering, she had hope.  What could she lose?  She did not desire attention, so she snuck in, believing that a touch of His clothes would be enough.

Her faith healed her.  Her faith was as powerful as Jesus' words.  Jesus didn't need to tell her to be healed.  I believe her physical body was healed by the touch.  Jesus healed her spirit by His word.  She was probably scared by the power she felt when healed.  She probably feared being reprimanded by Jesus.  But, Jesus let her know she was accepted by calling her daughter.  He let her know that her faith was a good thing and that is why she was now whole.

Imagine how completely different her life was from then on.

Everyone: we are not truly alive until Jesus becomes part of our lives!  People go through life trying to forget their problems.  Jesus enables us to face and conquer them.  We cannot do this without Him.  Seek Him by studying His Word and speaking to Him.  Our resources are readily available.  Do not settle for suffering.  Don't survive; live!

This story strikes a chord in my heart.  I suffered from depression for 21 years.  I thought I'd always have it.  Most others thought it was just my personality.  My sister, Marianne, did not accept this mediocre version of myself.  I heard a sermon about asking for miracles.  Because we have little faith, we ask God for little things.  So, I asked to wake up and be depression-free for the rest of my life.  I haven't been depressed since then.  My vision is clearer and I am more awake than I have ever been.  We can ask God for big things and have faith that He wants us to thrive!

So, these aren't just stories in the Bible.  They are messages of hope that apply to us today!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Matthew 9: Part I - Jesus Heals a Paralytic (NIV)


Jesus Heals a Paralytic
Verses 1-8

Jesus took a boat and crossed over into His own town.  Some men brought a paralytic on a mat.  When Jesus saw their faith, He told the man to take heart, because his sins were forgiven.  Some of the law teachers told themselves that Christ was blaspheming.  Jesus knew their thoughts and asked why they entertained evil.  He asked if it was easier to say that your sins are forgiven or to say get up and walk.  For them to know that the Son of Man had authority on earth to forgive sins, Jesus told the paralytic to get up, take up his mat, and go home.  The man did as Jesus said.  The crowd was filled with awe and they praised God who had given authority to men.

Lori's Thoughts:

Jesus had gone to the Gadarenes to find rest from the crowds.  He was hit by a storm, taunted by demons, then rejected by the town.  I imagine that His heart was saddened.  A whole town missed out on salvation because of their love and dependence on money.

So, Jesus decided to go home, the one on earth.  I bet those that He would later heal had waited for Him to return, so they'd get a chance to gain an audience with Him.  We are used to the physical and Jesus healed our physical ailments.  But, He healed our spirits as well, knowing that this was more important and essential to a spiritual connection with the Father.  Although Christ needed a break, His heart went out to the hurting and He helped them.

I imagine that the paralytic was brokenhearted.  He probably longed to walk and be independent as his friends were.  He probably felt like a burden to his family and friends, at times.  Knowing this, Jesus healed the man's spirit, as well as his body.  Jesus came to save us of our sins.

I do not believe that this man was paralyzed because of some sin.  For we all sin and fall short of the glory of God.  We'd all be handicapped if that was sin's punishment.  But, no.  Sin's punishment is separation from God.  So, Jesus came to conquer sin and death.  He came to reconcile us with the Father.  The saving of the man's soul was much more vital than the saving of his body.  But, Jesus saved his body as well.  Why?  Because He loves us and He understands what it is like to live in the physical form.

Now, the wisdom of God is foolishness to man.  The law teachers knew that sacrifices must be made to forgive sins.  But, Jesus is the Ultimate Sacrifice.  He can forgive all sin, so there is no more need for ritual sacrifices of animals.  He paid the price for us in full.  Let us have faith to accept it as the paralytic and his friends had.  They sought God and were filled.  The law teachers sought self-righteousness and left bewildered.  Some in the crowd believed Him.  They praised God that a man was given authority from God.  Not just any man, though.  He is the Son of Man.  Our Savior and Redeemer.  Our Deliverer.  Our Giver of Hope and the Healing Hand.


The Calling of Matthew
Verses 9-13

When Jesus headed out, He saw Matthew sitting in the tax collector's booth.  Jesus told him to follow Him and he did.  Jesus had dinner at Matthew's house.  There were tax collectors and "sinners" eating with Jesus and His disciples.  The Pharisees saw this and asked the disciples why Jesus associated Himself with these people.

Jesus replied, " 'It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.  But go and learn what this means: "I desire mercy, not sacrifice." (Hosea 6:6)  'For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.' "  (Verses 12b-13)

Lori's Thoughts:

I bet the stories of Jesus spread and that's how Matthew heard of Him.  I bet he desired to meet the man that was known to challenge norms, bring messages of hope, and perform miracles and healings.  Once Matthew saw Him and spoke with Him, it was all over.  Matthew knew his life would never be the same.  He eagerly left his old lifestyle of cheating people out of their money and invited this amazing man into his home.

Matthew threw a party for Jesus and invited everyone he knew.  When you experience something amazing, you want to share it with others and hope that they can experience the same.  I bet there was laughter and smiles everywhere at this party.  For once, the outcasts were loved and valued.  They were worth spending time with.

This made no sense to the Pharisees.  Why would this teacher of the law spend time with the unrighteous?  Because, this Teacher came to set the captives free, those bound by sin.  The self-righteous believed they had no need of Him.  They believed they could save themselves.  So, Jesus came for those that longed for God, whether they could identify that longing or not.  These people saw fulfillment in Jesus Christ.  Christ had mercy on the sinners.  They formed a relationship that was missing from the old covenant.  The covenant was now complete with Jesus in the equation.