Friday, July 29, 2011

Matthew 19: Part III - The Rich Young Man (NIV)


The Rich Young Man
Verses 16-30

A man came up to Jesus and asked what good thing he must do to gain eternal life.  Jesus asked why he asked Jesus about what is good.  There is only One who is good.  To enter life, we must obey the commandments.  The man asked which ones.  Jesus responded: don't murder, commit adultery, steal, or lie.  Honor your parents and love your neighbor as yourself.

The man said he'd done all of these and asked what he lacked.  Jesus told him that if he wanted to be perfect, he should sell everything he owned and give it to the poor.  Then, he'd have treasure in heaven and could follow Jesus.  The young man left, saddened, because he was quite rich.

Jesus told His disciples that it is difficult for the rich to enter heaven.  It's easier for a camel to walk through the eye of a needle.  The disciples were astonished and asked who, then, could be saved.  Jesus told them that it was impossible with man, but, with God, everything is possible.

Peter told Jesus that they'd left everything to follow Him.  What would there be, then, for them?  Jesus told them the truth:  when everything is renewed, the Son of Man will sit on His glorious throne, and those that followed Him will sit on 12 thrones and judge the 12 tribes of Israel.  Those that leave houses, siblings, parents, or fields for His sake will receive 100x as much and will inherit eternal life.  Many who are first will be last and many who are last will be first.

Lori's Thoughts:

I used to think that this story was about how being rich can keep you away from God.  It can be true.  But, the main theme here is legalism.  The man asked how he could earn salvation.  He did not see the Savior, although He was conversing with Him.

Although the young man kept the commandments, He did not really love all of his neighbors or truly love God.  His faith was in money and his love was for himself.  The same story can be told if we replace money with status, drugs, alcohol, or someone we admire.  Even if we are good, we cannot go to heaven if we do not have a relationship with God.  What would be the point of living with God, if we don't have a relationship with Him?  Would you live with a stranger and never have a conversation with them?  Not for long, you wouldn't.

Only with God can we be saved.  With God, we can break down whatever might separate us.  Jesus didn't say it's impossible for the rich to be saved.  It's difficult, because they feel secure.  However, God is the only fault-free security system and retirement plan.  Are you in?

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