Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Matthew 15 - Part II: The Faith of the Canaanite Woman (NIV)


The Faith of the Canaanite Woman
Verses 21-28

Jesus left and went to Tyre and Sidon.  A Canaanite woman from the area cried out to Him, calling Him Lord and the Son of David.  She asked for mercy, because her daughter was suffering severely from demon-possession.  Jesus didn't respond.  The disciples asked Him to send her away, because she kept calling out to Him.  Jesus said that He'd been sent only to the lost sheep of Israel.

The woman knelt before Him and begged for help.  Jesus told her that it wasn't right to take bread from children and throw it to the dogs.  The woman agreed, but said that the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master's table.  Jesus told her that she had great faith and that her request would be granted.  The woman's daughter was healed at that very hour.

Jesus Feeds the Four Thousand
Verses 29-39

Jesus went along the Sea of Galilee.  He sat up on the mountainside.  Great crowds came and brought the lame, blind, crippled, mute, and many others.  They laid the sick at His feet, and He healed all of them.  The people praised the God of Israel.

Jesus told His disciples that He had compassion for the people, because they'd been with Him for three days, but had no food.  He didn't want to send them away hungry, because they might faint on their travels.  The disciples asked where they could get enough food.  Jesus asked how many loaves of bread they had.  They said seven, plus a few small fish.

Jesus told the crowds to sit.  He gave thanks and broke the bread and fish.  The disciples distributed the food to all the people.  Everyone was filled and there were seven basketfuls left over.  Jesus fed 4,000 men, plus their women and children.  Jesus then sent them away, boarded a boat, and went to Magadan.

Lori's Thoughts:

I sense that Jesus was frustrated after having argued with the Pharisees and law teachers.  They were the Jews, the lost sheep of Israel, that He came to save.  But, they wanted nothing to do with Jesus.

I imagine that Jesus didn't respond to the woman, because He was controlling His temper.  The woman came to Him, although she was from a people that worshiped false gods.  She, however, recognized Jesus' divinity and came to Him for help.  So far, the only interactions Israelites had with foreigners, aside from allies, were at war.  She took a great risk seeking Jesus out.

Are we willing to put our lives at stake to connect with God?
Do we accept what humans tell us about how we should live and what should be important to us?
Do you have faith enough to ask God, knowing that He might say no?

This woman did.  Because of her great faith, God extended Himself to a "heathen".  Because of her great faith, another person was saved from Satan's grasp.

How is your faith?

. . .

Jesus made Himself accessible.  He wanted us to come to Him with our problems.  He healed our bodies and gave us sustenance.  He had done so before, but the disciples forgot about the 5,000 he had fed with five loaves of bread and two fish.  Jesus wasn't exasperated with their short-term memory.  He blessed them again.

We should remember how God has come through for us in the past and know that He'll do so again in the future.  Those that refuse to pay attention will miss out on His patience and mercy that He extends to us.

I think a thank you is in order.

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