Monday, April 11, 2011

Revelation 14 (NIV)


The Lamb and the 144,000
Verses 1-5

John saw the Lamb before him, standing on Mount Zion.  The 144,000 were with Him, those with His Name and His Father's Name written on their foreheads.  He heard a sound from heaven like the roar of rushing waters, a loud peal of thunder, and the sound of harps being played.  The 144,000 sang a new song before the throne, the living creatures, and the elders.  No one could learn it except those who had been redeemed from the earth, who had not defiled themselves with women, who had kept pure, who always followed the Lamb, were purchesed from mankind and offered to God and the Lamb.  No lie was found in them; they are blameless.

The Three Angels
Verses 6-13

John saw an angel flying in midair.  He had the eternal gospel to proclaim to everyone on earth.  He called out that we should fear and give glory to God, because the judgment hour has come.  We are to worship the Creator.  A second angel called out that Babylon had fallen.  Babylon the Great had made all nations drink "the maddening wine of her adulteries" (Verse 8b).

The third angel called out that, if anyone worships the beast, his image, and receives his mark, they will drink of the wine of God's fury, which has been poured out full strength into the cup of His wrath.  They will be tormented with burning sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and the Lamb.  The smoke of their torment rises forever.  There will be no rest for these people.

The saints who obey God's commands and remain faithful to Jesus must be patient and endure.

A loud voice from heaven told John to write that the dead who die in the Lord from now on are blessed.  The Spirit said that they will rest from their labor and their deeds will follow them.

The Harvest of the Earth
Verses 14-20

John saw a white cloud before him, with one like the Son of Man seated on it.  He had a crown of gold and a sharp sickle in His hand.  An angel came out of the temple and called out to Him - to reap with the sickle, because the time to reap had come and the harvest was ripe.  So, the Son of Man reaped with His sickle.

Another angel came out of the temple, with a sharp sickle.  An angel in charge of fire came from the altar and told the previous angel to gather the clusters of grapes from the earth's vine, because its grapes were ripe.  This angel swung his sickle, gathered the grapes, and threw them into the great winepress of God's wrath.  They will be trampled in the winepress outside the city and blood will flow out.  The blood will rise as high as horses' bridles for 1,600 stadia (~180 miles).

Lori's Thoughts:

Who are the 144,000?  They can't be everyone that will go to heaven, because they mention that others will die for Christ later.

This new song seems beautiful.  Stop and imagine - rushing water.  Not a brook, but an ocean wave crashing through some tall rocks.  Then, thunder.  Now, harps. . . . I love it!

Only the pure will learn this new song.  It seems as if these 144,000 never sinned.  Are they like Elijah, who was taken to heaven before he could die on earth, or are they sinless because they are covered by the blood of the Lamb?

. . .

The Three Angels' Proclamations:
1. Worship God because judgment has come.
2. That which deceives mankind has fallen.
3. Those that devote themselves to anyone but God will be destroyed.

Those of us who hold on to Christ will be given rest.  Even if we die in this world, we are blessed because we are His and will receive eternal life.

The people of the earth will be harvested.  First, the children of God will be taken by the Son of Man, that is, Jesus Christ.  Second, the rebellious will be harvested for destruction.

I do not need to fear, for I choose to lead a life of love.  Love taught to me by no human I've encountered.  I will also live in awareness that there is a great deceiver trying to bring us down with him.  I will not give him a foothold, God help me.  I will hold onto the arms of the One who loves me more than I will ever deserve.  You can too.  His arms are big enough.

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