Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Matthew 6 - Giving to the Needy (NIV)


1. Giving to the Needy
Verses 1-4

Don't:  Display your acts of righteousness before men, because this will not get you a reward from God.  Do not announce your gift with trumpets in the synagogues and streets.  Those that do have received their reward in full.

Do:  Give in secret, so your left hand won't know what your right hand is doing.  God, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.

2. Prayer
Verses 5-15

Don't:  Pray standing in the synagogues and street corners.  Those that do have received their reward in full.  Don't babble like the pagans who think they'll be heard by their many words.

Do:  Go to your room and close the door to pray to your Father, who is unseen.  He will reward you for what is done in secret.

" '...for your Father knows what you need before you ask Him.
'This, then, is how you should pray:
'Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come, your will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our debts as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.
(For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.  Amen.)' "  (Verses 8-13)

If you forgive those that sin against you, then God will forgive you.  If you don't forgive, God won't forgive you.

3. Fasting
Verses 16-18

Don't:  Look somber like the hypocrites that gain attention for fasting.  They have received their reward in full.

Do:  Put oil on your head and wash your face.  Fast in secret, because God sees and He will reward.

4. Treasures in Heaven
Verses 19-24

Don't:  Store your treasures on earth, where they are destroyed by moths and rust and are stolen by thieves.

Do:  Store your treasures in heaven, where they are unaffected by earthly woes.  Where your treasure is, there your heart also is.

The eyes are the lamps of the body.  If the eyes are full of light, they light up the whole body.  If the eyes are bad, then the body is full of darkness.

No one can serve two masters.  They will love and be devoted to only one.  No one can serve both God and Money.

5. Do Not Worry
Verses 25-34

Don't worry about your life, food, drink, your body, or clothes.  Life is greater than food and your body is greater than clothes.  The birds of the air don't sow or reap or store, yet God feeds them.  And we are more valuable than birds.  Who can add a single hour to their life by worrying?

Don't worry about clothes.  The lilies of the field grow.  They don't labor or spin, yet they are dressed more greatly than Solomon in all of his splendor.  If God clothes the grass with these lilies, and grass is thrown into the fire the next day, how much more will He clothe you who are greater than grass.  "...O, you of little faith..."  (Verse 30b)

Don't worry about what you will eat, drink, or wear, because pagans run after these things.  "...your heavenly Father knows that you need them."  (Verse 32b)

"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.  Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.  Each day has enough trouble of its own."  (Verse 33-34)

Lori's Thoughts:

1. A Christian will give from the heart when they see someone in need.  When you are sick or hurt or struggling, I'm sure you wouldn't want it advertised.  You'd want people you trust to pray for you, help you carry your burden, and maintain your dignity.  A Christian puts themselves in a hurting person's shoes and thinks on this before they act.

2. The more personal and heartfelt conversations you have with a friend, the more private it tends to be.  The same goes with God.  Talk to Him as a friend.  God wants us to be humble, not pious.

How to pray:
- Praise God.
- Acknowledge His coming and His will first.
- Trust that He will daily provide.
- Forgiveness helps you let go of what could become a grudge and lead to hate, which leads to hell.
- Forgive others, then accept God's forgiveness.
- Ask God to help you be pure.

3. When you give up something for God, don't brag about it.  If you're seeking attention and approval from humans, your motives are selfish and no different than that of a pagan.  Fix your eyes on Jesus.  Live to please Him.  Let God shed light on your actions if He so desires.

4. Those that serve money are instantly and ephemerally satisfied.  Their treasures fade, economies collapse, retirements disappear, and their light is snuffed out.  There is only darkness within them.

Those that serve the Lord have all they need to survive on this earth.  Our treasure is in heaven and it is eternal.  Our faith in God's promise gives us light.

We cannot serve both without hating one.

5. Worrying is the opposite of faith.  If God deeply cares for the plants and animals that He created, don't you think He'll take care of you?  He knows what you need.  Stop trying to take care of it yourself.  If He wants you to move, He'll tell you.  Seek Him first.  How?  Daily prayer and Bible study.  Devote an hour a day.  On average, we work 8 times as much, sleep 8 times as much, eat 3 times as much...  You can spare an hour for your heavenly Father.  That hour in the morning will set the tone for the day.  Tell God what you have going on.  You will experience peace and joy, regardless of your circumstances, because you have faith.  Worry diminishes your quality of life.  Faith helps you enjoy the little things and make it through the big things.

Try it!  :)

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