Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I Peter 3 (NIV)


Wives & Husbands
Verses 1-7

Wives are to be submissive to their husbands.  If their husbands do not believe the Word, they may be won over without words by their wives' behavior, purity, and reverence.

Beauty should not come from outward adornments, rather, the inner self should have unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit.  This is of great worth in God's sight.  This is also how the holy women of Old Testament times made themselves beautiful.  For example, Sarah was submissive to Abraham and called him her master.  We are her daughters if we follow in her footsteps, doing right, and not giving in to fear.

Husbands are to be considerate and treat their wives with respect as the weaker partner.  Husbands and wives are co-heirs of the gracious gift of life.  Follow this advice, and nothing will hinder your prayers.

Suffering for Doing Good
Verses 8-22

We are to live in harmony, be sympathetic, love as brothers, be compassionate and humble.  We are not to repay evil with evil or insult those that insult us.  We are to repay everyone with blessings, because that is what we have been called to do, so that we may inherit a blessing.

" 'Whoever would love life and see good days must keep (their) tongue from evil and (their) lips from deceitful speech.  (They) must turn from evil and do good; (they) must seek peace and pursue it.  For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and His ears are attentive to their prayers, but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil.' " (Psalm 34:12-16, Verses 10-12)

Who will harm us, if we're eager to do good?  But, if we suffer for what is right, we are blessed.

" 'Do not fear what they fear; do not be frightened.' " (Isaiah 8:12, Verse 14b)

In your heart, set apart Christ as Lord.

"Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have." (Verse 15a)  Do this with gentleness and respect, so that we may keep a clear conscience and those that speak maliciously against our good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander.

It is better, if it is God's will, to suffer for doing good rather than suffer for doing evil.  Christ died for sins once and for all.  He was righteous and died for the unrighteous, so that He could bring us to God.  He was put to death in the body, but made alive by the Spirit, through whom He went and preached to the spirits in prison who had disobeyed while God waited patiently for Noah to build the ark.  Only eight people were saved, by water.  This water symbolizes baptism that saves us.  It is not the removal of dirt, but the pledge of a good conscience toward God.  Jesus saves us through His resurrection.  He went to heaven and sits at God's right hand, with angels, authorities, and powers in submission to Him.

Lori's Thoughts:

I would be honored to be the kind of wife that, by my commitment to God, led my husband to Him also.  That would mean that I'd be strong enough in my faith not to be led astray by those that are of the world.  And, I'd be the kind of person that finishes the race (of life on earth to life in heaven) with others, not ahead of or without others.

I certainly did not have a quiet spirit when I was engaged.  Thank God we didn't enter a marriage with such unrest.  Now, with just me and God, I have a beautiful spirit - one with peace and joy.

"Don't give way to fear."  I think this is an important statement, towards the end of the Husband & Wives section.  Maybe we (women) fear being hurt if we're submissive to men.  That's why this verse makes people cringe.  I did when I first read it.  Too many males give us cause to doubt a relationship in which we are submissive.  A functional relationship, based on faith, allows for submission and respect to thrive.

If men respect us, their prayers will not be hindered.  God is against those that do evil, but hears those that do good.  Look at that, I connected two verses.  :)

Don't fear harm from the godless.  We have God who is always with us, watching our backs.  And fronts, and sides, etc.

Q:  What is my answer for the hope that I have?
A:  God save my from depression, suicide, domestic violence, and psychological damage from my childhood.  He taught me to love.  I have hope, because I was given another chance at life.  I've felt Him and I've seen His healing hand at work.  I have hope, so that I can share it with others who are hurting, to let them know that, this too, shall pass.  However, God, that is Love, is forever.

The verse about Christ preaching to the spirits in Noah's time confused me.  I think He was calling everyone's hearts, but only a remnant accepted His call and obeyed His instruction.  These eight alone were saved.  Don't tell me God wishes to harm you.  We're just too stubborn to let Him be the Ruler of our lives.  No, He doesn't want to control us.  He wants to inspire us to love others as much as we love ourselves.

Christ is appealing everyone's hearts again.  Have you accepted Him?

Remember, no matter how bad it gets, we've been warned that these things will happen, but informed that Christ reigns over all.  And we have been promised that we will be delivered, only if we want to be.

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